Sofa has an Editors’ Choice badge in the App Store
I don’t know when this happened, but Sofa has an Editors’ Choice badge in the App Store 🤯. Completely wild
Sofa is an iOS app that helps you organize your downtime by keeping lists of apps, books, board games, movies, tv shows, podcasts, music albums, and video games.
I don’t know when this happened, but Sofa has an Editors’ Choice badge in the App Store 🤯. Completely wild
Since SwiftUI is the future of Apple development, I wanted to experiment by rebuilding some of my UIKit views with it.
I recently added the ability for people to save custom items to Sofa. This post outlines the thinking behind the
In iOS 13, people will be able to choose a light or dark “theme” that will apply system wide. Regardless
Sofa was suffering from a tight-coupling problem between view controllers. I discovered this while trying to refactor my massive controllers.
I conducted research on the Sofa App Store page. I also discuss the process & tools used to conduct the
There’s a constant debate about whether or not designers should learn to code. While I’m happy to talk